National Marketing Services
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Cell: +27 0834454909

Our Clients


Some of our most valued clients that we are privileged to have worked with and continue working with.


- BP Southern Africa


- B.O.E


- Mattel


- Nedbank


- Parmalat


- Daly’s


- Frank Brady’s


- Just Fun Toys


- Estee Lauder


- Pioneerfoods


- Safety 1st


- Yardley


- Heinz


- Targus


- Estee Lauder


- Bokomo


- Damas


- Mandla Mageu


- Pepsi


- Honda


- Woodlands


- Simba


- Lipton


- Cedar Paint


- Dash


- Wild Island


- Rustoleum


- Spar


- Heinz


- StarSat


- Famous Brands


- Original Ice


- Caxton Newspapers


- Fruitree


- Crown National


- Cuddlers


- Liqui-Fruit


- Minemed


- Chatz Cellular


- Hooch


- Liqui-Cooler


- Huawei


- First Choice





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